RHS Student & Family Handbook 2021-2022
Randolph High School
70 Memorial Parkway
Randolph, Massachusetts 02368Student-Family Handbook
Principals Message
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:
Welcome Back to another school year! We are so excited for 2021-22 and I can assure you that the entire faculty and staff at Randolph High is committed to providing a safe and welcoming school environment for your children. We look forward to working together to create a school climate that is always respectful and reflective, while celebrating and honoring the diversity found in our school and community. Most importantly, the teachers and staff at Randolph High will work collaboratively with you and your child to make sure that all students are demonstrating high levels of achievement and growth; we will accomplish this goal by constantly engaging our students in learning experiences that are rigorous and relevant as they readily accept more responsibility for their own learning and development.
At this point, the district and schools are still finalizing Covid guidelines for the school year. More information will be shared soon. Below, please read other important opening-of-school information:- School opens on Tuesday, August 31st for freshmen students only so that they may participate in a full-day orientation program to our school.
- All students 9-12 should report on Wednesday, September 1st.
- With our new bell schedule this year (7:50 - 2:50), students are strongly encouraged to arrive at school by 7:40 with first period classes beginning at 7:50. Dismissal is at 2:50.
- Breakfast is available in our cafeteria from 7:20 to 7:40.
- There is no school on the following dates: Friday, September 3rd, Monday, September 6th (Labor Day), Wednesday September 8th (Rosh Hashanah), or Thursday, September 16th (Yom Kippur).
- All RHS students will receive a school-issued device which must be used in school (no personal devices can be used in school). These devices will be distributed after school opens except for any 9th grade student who attends the Freshmen Family Festival on August 26th.
RHS will have our annual Open House on Thursday, September 23rd from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for all parents and guardians. After a brief welcome by administration in the auditorium, parents/guardians will meet and time with each of your child’s teachers. More specific information about the Open House, including our Portrait of the RHS Graduate and School Improvement Goals, will be shared with families prior to this important event.
On behalf of the entire RHS faculty and staff, we eagerly look forward to meeting and working with all of you in the coming year. Indeed, our work together will ensure that each of your children – our students – fulfill our school vision: Each Randolph High School student will reach their full potential by demonstrating high levels of achievement and growth in an inclusive and respectful environment that honors and celebrates our diverse community.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at 781-961-6220 x 515.
William Conard, Ed.D.
Andrea Nixon, Chair
Lisa Millwood, Vice Chair
Pamela Davis
Cheryl Frazier
Ida Gordon
Duong Nguyen
William Alexopoulos, Town Council Rep.
40 Highland Avenue
Thea Stovell, Superintendent
Amy Hartley-Matteson, Assistant Superintendent
William Conard, Principal
Annya Haughton, Assistant Principal
David Pierce, Assistant Principal
Julie Burke, Dean of Students
Main Office (781) 961-6220
The Randolph Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, genetic information, disability, veteran’s status, age or homelessness in admission to, access to, employment in, or treatment in its programs and activities.
Vision Statement
Each Randolph High School student will reach their full potential by demonstrating high levels of achievement and growth in an inclusive and respectful environment that celebrates and honors our diverse community.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Randolph High School, with the combined support of parents/guardians, school committee, and the community, is to provide a safe learning environment where students can obtain the skills useful to become productive, creative, and caring members of a diverse society. While valuing differences in cultural backgrounds, needs, goals, and learning styles, the curriculum provides students with opportunities and challenges to grow socially, physically, and intellectually. Through a variety of learning activities and assessments, students are taught to recognize the value of education as a continuous process and to realize their responsibilities to each other and to the larger community.
Core Values
Continuous Reflection and Improvement
Academic Excellence and Innovation
Respectful and Responsible Relationships
Engaged and Equitable Community
General Information
Progress Reports & Report Cards: All report cards are published as a PDF through PowerSchool. Report Cards are not mailed home unless specifically requested.
Progress Report
Report Card
Tuesday, August 31 - Tuesday, November 9
Friday, October 23, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021
Wednesday, November 10 - Tuesday, January 25
Tuesday, December 22, 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2022
Wednesday, January 26 - Tuesday, April 5
Friday, March 12, 2022
Monday, April 11, 2022
Seniors 4
Wednesday, April 6 - Friday, May 27
Friday, May 10, 2022
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Wednesday, April 6 - Thursday, June 16
Friday, May 21, 2022
Friday, June 17, 2022
June 16 is the expected last day of school pending cancellations. Dates may shift depending on the timing and number of cancellations in a particular term or for the year.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
ERD Times
7:50 - 8:50
7:50 - 8:25
8:55 - 9:55
8:29 - 9:04
10:00 - 11:00
9:08 - 9:43
11:05 - 12:40
9:47 - 10:22
12:45 - 1:45
10:26 - 11:01
1:50 - 2:50
11:05 - 11:40
A, E
A student transferring to Randolph High School must provide complete school records and reside within the Town of Randolph. Any student transferring to Randolph High School in their senior year will be expected to complete school requirements by the end of the school year. A student withdrawing from Randolph High School or planning to transfer to another school should notify the Office of the Principal and Guidance Office to complete the necessary sign out procedures. School records (transcripts, schedules, discipline, attendance, and health records) will only be released upon completion of responsibilities. A student over sixteen (16) years of age, who seeks re-admittance to Randolph High School, after withdrawing, or being excluded from Randolph High School, may be readmitted only after a meeting with the high school administration.
In accordance with Massachusetts State Law, physical exams and documentation of immunizations are required for all 10th grade students. Students that participate in band or school athletics are required to have a yearly physical (105-cmr-201). New students entering the Randolph Public Schools must submit an updated immunization record in order to begin school along with a physical exam that was done within one year prior to entrance to school or within 30 days after school entry.
Massachusetts State Law and Regulations (105 CMR 200.000), provides for exclusion of students from school if immunizations are not up to date. There are two situations in which children who are not appropriately immunized may be admitted to school: 1) a medical exemption is allowed if a physician submits documentation attesting that an immunization is medically contraindicated; and 2) a religious exemption is allowed if a parent or guardian submits a written statement that immunizations conflict with their sincere religious beliefs. The law states that medical exemptions must be presented at the beginning of each school year. Massachusetts Department of Public Health additionally requires annual renewal of religious exemptions in writing at the beginning of each school year. The only exception for exclusion of unimmunized or partially immunized children without medical or religious exemptions is for homeless children.
Absences: If your student is going to be absent, please call the School Attendance Line, (781) 961-6220, before 7:45 a.m. Upon his/her return to school, he/she should also bring a note signed by the parent to explain the absence. This will be kept in the student’s attendance folder. The attendance monitor will call home to verify a student’s absence if there is no message placed on the attendance line. Work missed due to absence must be made up according to the Make Up Policy outlined in the academic section of this handbook.
Dismissal: Requests for dismissal must be in writing except in the case of an emergency. Dismissal from school for medical or legal appointments may be used when appointments could not be scheduled during after-school hours. Students will not be dismissed on a daily or consistent basis unless documented for an extreme medical condition. Dismissal notes must be brought to the office before the beginning of the school day, otherwise a parent will be contacted. Dismissal notes must indicate the date, the reason for the dismissal, the time of dismissal, the parent’s signature, and a telephone number a parent may be reached to confirm the request for dismissal. All students being dismissed must first report to the main office and sign out at the time of the dismissal. Dismissal by telephone cannot be honored unless the parent is willing to come to the school office at the time the student is to be dismissed. This is for the protection of the parent and student.
Tardiness: Tardiness disturbs classes and hinders the ability of other students to learn. All tardies will result in office detention unless the student who arrives late is either accompanied by a parent or brings in a note when he/she is admitted to school. A student must bring a note explaining the tardiness to the front office. The note is acknowledgement that a parent/guardian is aware of the reason for the tardy. It does NOT indicate an excused tardy. All tardy notes should include that day’s date, explanation for the tardiness, parent signature and a phone number where the parent can be contacted to verify the reason for the tardiness. Students who arrive after 8:20 will not be allowed to enter their first period class and will wait in tardy hall until second period.
During emergency evacuation procedures such as fire drills, students are to go to assigned areas following specific procedures as instructed by staff. Students are not to go to their cars or leave school grounds unless authorized, as it may be necessary for staff to give further directions to groups. Students who do not follow this regulation are subject to disciplinary action. Parents seeking information during a school emergency should contact either the superintendent’s office at 781-961-6200 or the police department at 781-963-1212.
Randolph High School works collaboratively with the Randolph Police Department to ensure school safety and security. A School Resource Officer (SRO) is assigned to RHS and regularly collaborates with the school administration on matters related to school safety. This could include aiding in investigations, searches, or any other initiatives aimed at maintaining a safe school environment.
Students may be searched for drugs and/or weapons and /or stolen items if school administration has reasonable suspicion to do so. Searches conducted by school administration may include, but are not limited to, searches of lockers, cars, clothing, handbags, book-bags, satchels, coats, hats, shoes, stocking, wallets and any other personal items or containers. Any student refusing to cooperate with administrators when a search is requested may be suspended. Police may be called to the school if deemed necessary by the administration. Reasonable suspicion includes, but is not limited to: erratic behavior; slurred speech; strong foreign odor on clothing or breath; glazed and glassy eyes; information offered by students, faculty, staff or anyone wishing to remain anonymous; leaving school grounds or returning to school grounds during school hours, etc. Searches are done with multiple adults present and involve no physical touching or pat downs. Searches are only done by school personnel.
A canine drug sweep, conducted by law enforcement officers, may take place periodically as the school administration deems appropriate. The Randolph School Committee has approved this action.
Everyone is expected to keep the building and grounds clean, neat, and free from damage of any kind. The same attitude is expected toward all school property (textbooks, library books, equipment/computers, etc.) provided for use during the year. Students are reminded to keep their assigned lockers locked and never to leave valuables in an unlocked gym locker during gym class. Unauthorized use/misuse by students of the elevator, automated external defibrillators (AED), fire extinguishers and school phones will be subject to disciplinary action.
The Randolph Public School District uses security cameras in school district buildings and on its property to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors, as well as to protect School District property. Security cameras are installed and used in locations deemed appropriate by the Superintendent in consultation with the Randolph Police Department. They may be used in any area, inside or outside of school buildings, where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy, and may be used at any time. Students or staff identified on security cameras in violation of School District policies will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, in accordance with the disciplinary procedures set forth in the Student and Staff Handbooks. Violations of the law may be referred to law enforcement agencies and video evidence may be provided to those agencies by the Superintendent.
It is each student’s responsibility to be aware of his/her attendance status in class, to make responsible decisions about attending all classes on a regular basis, and to miss less than eighteen (18) classes during the year. A parent/guardian meeting is expected to take place once a student reaches between 10-17 absences. The student should monitor his/her own attendance and speak with his/her teachers or guidance counselor if he/she has any questions about attendance records. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and make-up class work missed due to absences. Students will be allowed the same amount of days to make up work as the days they missed. So, if a student was absent for two days then they would be responsible for turning in missed work within the two days that they return to class.
Students’ total unexcused absences for the year must be less than eighteen (18) as the State of Massashusetts deems students who miss 10% of the school year as chronically absent . Credits lost due to violation of our Credit Pending policy will require students to participate in a program outside of the regular school day to regain those credits, i.e. Saturday School, Summer School, etc. Questions about credit pending can be directed to your guidance counselor or administration.
STUDENT COURSE SELECTIONS & RHS PROGRAM OF STUDIESThe RHS Program of Studies outlines all of the guidelines and requirements for course selections, explains the differences in course levels, and outlines the various requirements and procedures for making changes, including adding or dropping a course. In addition, specific policies regarding Advanced Placement courses and their corresponding expectations are also included in the Program of Studies.
4 Credits
4 Credits
Science (Minimum 1 Lab-Based)
3 Credits
Social Studies
3 Credits
World Language (Same Language)
2 Credits
Wellness/Physical Education
2 Credits
Fine or Performing Arts
1 Credit
4 Credits
Total Required for Graduation
23 Credits
Because of our change in the 2020-2021 schedule due to Covid-19, students for the Classes of 2022, 2023, and 2024 need to acquire 23 total credits for graduation instead of the traditional 26. If a student does not meet the 23-credit minimum, he/she will not be permitted to participate in graduation exercises. Students in the class of 2025 must accumulate 26 credits to graduate. If a student does not graduate with his/her class in June, all credits needed must be completed by December 31st of that calendar year in order to be considered a member of the June graduating class. Each student must pass the required High School MCAS exams in order to receive a high school diploma.
A Grade Point Average (GPA) will be calculated for each Randolph High School student. Only courses that are both graded and leveled shall be included in the calculation of the GPA. The official GPA is calculated at the end of the year. When calculating the class rank, if a tie occurs, both students will share that rank, except in the cases of the valedictorian and salutatorian, which will be calculated beyond the hundredth place. Final ranking is done after grades are entered in the 4th quarter of the senior year.Letter
AP Courses
59 & below
Grades of “Incomplete” must be made up within one week of the end of the term in which the “Incomplete” was given. “Incompletes” not made up within the aforementioned time period will automatically become F’s. Grades from courses taken outside of Randolph High School are not factored into the GPA calculation. Student performance is represented by letter grades. A letter grade represents at least two aspects of learning: the student’s use of information (professional evaluation) and factual information (objective tests). How a student demonstrates acquired information and its applications are very important measures of performance.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of trustworthiness, honesty, intellectual integrity, and responsibility.
Academic Infractions- Cheating includes, but is not limited to the following:
- communicating with another student during a test, quiz, or any other form of evaluation
- copying or allowing copying in any testing situation
- copying or allowing copying of homework, class work, projects, papers or other material unless specifically allowed by the teacher
- using unauthorized notes or electronic devices in an attempt to cheat
- submitting falsified information for grading purposes
- obtaining a copy of information about an examination and/or giving information about any examinations without the knowledge and/or permission of the teacher.
- Using an online translator or other translation service in World Language course work.
- Collaboration: Study or homework collaboration is not considered academic dishonesty unless the teacher prohibits or limits procedures or expectations. Teachers shall guide students in understanding when collaborative efforts are not appropriate.
- Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- presenting, as one’s own, words, works, or opinions of someone else without proper acknowledgment.
- borrowing the sequence of ideas, the arrangement of material, or the pattern of thought of someone else without proper acknowledgement and approval.
Often, in responding to research and written assignments, students are engaged with others’ ideas during lectures, from texts, or from class discussions. It is imperative that students give credit where credit is due. If a student uses the ideas and/or words of others without giving proper credit to the writer or speaker of those ideas and/or words, that student is plagiarizing. Easy access to electronic information and multiple web sites that offer responses to assignments presents students with opportunities that may compromise their integrity and define their work as plagiarism.
Violation of Academic Integrity will result in the following action(s):- 1st offense: The student(s) who committed the violation will receive a zero for the test, paper, or assignment in which the violation occurred. The student(s) will not have the opportunity to make up the test, paper or assignment. The teacher will notify the parents and document the incident with a referral to the main office. The referral form will be kept in the student’s discipline file.
- 2nd offense: On the second offense during the student’s entire high school career, students will receive the above responses, and a meeting with the student, parents, guidance counselor, and administration will take place.
- 3rd offense: On the third, and any and all subsequent offenses, students will receive the above responses and meet with administration to determine additional consequences.
If a student or parent/guardian has a question or concern about classroom policy or grades, or if a student feels that he/she has been treated unfairly, the student or parent/ guardian has a right to discuss the issue according to an appropriate procedure. Guidance counselors are available to offer assistance to any student. First, the student or parent/guardian should discuss the issue with the teacher. If the issue persists or is unresolved, the parent/guardian should discuss it with an administrator
The Honor Roll is published at the conclusion of each of the four terms. It is computed on term grades only. To achieve to the standards of the honor roll, one must be a full-time student and be enrolled for at least 6 credits per semester or a senior in good standing enrolled in 5 credits per semester. Any student receiving an A- or better in all subjects in any one term is recognized by placement on the High Honor Roll. Any student receiving a B- or better in all subjects in any one term is recognized by placement on the Honor Roll.
Students may take a course for makeup credit during our summer school program. The following criteria must be met:- A final grade between 50-59 from the school year course will be required to register for summer school
- Student must receive teacher and administrative approval before attending summer school
- A paper final exam will be required to pass summer school and earn the credit for the course
- Passing summer school courses will NOT help to increase a student’s GPA
- Summer school is graded as pass/fail only
Online credit recovery is available to eligible students with administrative approval. In order to be enrolled, students must be passing all of their current courses. Seniors who fail a full year or second semester class cannot start credit recovery courses until after the last day of classes in May and are ineligible to walk in the June graduation exercises.
Students assume financial responsibility for all materials and equipment issued to them by the school. In the event such material is damaged, lost, stolen, or defaced, teachers will notify the student and the office of the material involved and the fee to be assessed.
Charges for lost, damaged or defaced books will be applied according to the following:
First year (new material): Full replacement value
Second year: Student will pay 80% of replacement cost
Third year: Student will pay 60% of replacement cost
Fourth year: Student will pay 40% of replacement cost
Fifth year: Student will pay 20% of replacement cost or $10.00 rebinding fee, whichever is greater
Any unmet financial obligations will prevent students from participating in any school functions.
The school nurse is available to students from 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each school day. No child is to take or carry PRESCRIPTION OR OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS to school, with the exception of an Epi Pen or an inhaler. If a student must receive medications in school (including students in need of emergency medications such as Epi-Pen, inhalers, Diastat) both parental permission and a physician order prior to administering medication is required. All medication MUST be administered in the nurses’ office. Further detail is available in the nurse’s office.
If a student sustains a concussion or injury a doctor’s note is required to excuse the student from wellness class and sport activities. The nurses’ office along with guidance and teachers will work together if educational accommodations are needed. The student also needs a doctor’s note to clear him/her of the concussion or injury in order to resume normal activities and academic work. All doctor notes for concussion/injury/surgery should be given to the nurse by the student in order for her to assess and speak to the student directly on his/her return to school. The nurse should also be given all physical examination forms and physician’s notes excusing students from physical education. All students are covered by school insurance for injuries that occur during the school day or school co-curricular activities. See the nurse if a claim needs to be filed.
The Guidance staff is available to help students with personal, educational, and vocational needs. Every student will meet with their counselor each year and can also schedule appointments as necessary. Guidance Counselors may initiate consultations with students throughout the year as well. Group Guidance classes are offered to all students at set times during the year. The Guidance Department provides information on colleges, careers, scholarships, and standardized tests to help students plan for long-term or career goals. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss these goals with the designated Guidance Counselor. Parents/guardians may also have conversations or make appointments with the Guidance staff.
A wide variety of opportunities exist for students to become involved in athletic and/or co-curricular activities. Many of these opportunities are highlighted later in this section. Evening meetings for clubs are not permitted without the permission of the administration, and when held, they must end by 9:30 p.m. Meetings of clubs or classes outside the school building must be approved by administration including trips and visits to various points of interest. Faculty advisors and club members should check with the office and the RHS calendar of events for potential conflicts before making a commitment to their group. All meetings of clubs, whether committees or otherwise, must be supervised by a member of the faculty delegated as an advisor. All participants in interscholastic sports are regulated by the rules of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), under the guidelines of the Massachusetts School Administrators Association (MSAA). Cheerleaders are governed by the same rules. All funds collected by organizations for dues, paid admissions or donations must be deposited with the student activities manager. All purchases for clubs and all orders for equipment must be submitted to the principal’s secretary for payment after approval by the class/club advisors and a designated student representative.
In order to represent the school in any interscholastic contest or to participate in co-curricular activities, a student must be attending full time, and may not be over nineteen years old before September of the upcoming school. A student who is absent from school may not participate in any co-curricular activities on that day. Students must be in school for at least four full periods during a school day to participate in any co-curricular activities, including school dances. This can be waived if the student receives administrative approval in advance of the absence. Make-up schoolwork, after-school help and teacher detention take priority before students are allowed to participate in co-curricular activities including athletic practices and games. Student-athletes are encouraged to seek the academic help that they need and are asked to bring a note from the teacher if they are going to be late for a practice or game. No student will be penalized for receiving extra help and arriving late to practice. Students who are suspended may not participate in any activities on that day. A continual violator of the Code of Conduct will be subject to suspension and/or removal from all co-curricular year. The number of credits earned the previous year will determine eligibility for fall activities. A student must have earned a minimum of five credits in major subjects or the equivalent of five major subjects. Winter and spring eligibility are based upon 1st, 2nd and/or 3rd term report card grades respectively. Students must have passing quarter grades in at least five major subjects or the equivalent of five major subjects. The process for removal is determined by each organization. Any behavior that occurs during school or at a school-sponsored event that violates the spirit of positive participation in student life may cause the administration or athletic director to take further disciplinary action, including temporary suspension and/or removal from the co-curricular activity. These offenses may include but are not limited to the following: any act that compromises the reputation of Randolph High School: assault and/or fighting; vandalism; insubordination, theft; academic dishonesty; disruption of school; outstanding school bill for owed materials and/or continual disregard of school rules. Many sports and co-curricular activities have related expenses. If a student cannot afford to participate in any activity, he/she should speak with the athletic director, coach, or club advisor.
The Randolph High School LMC offers students a space to collaborate and access to computers, as well as books and other content. The library is open Monday-Friday, 7:30a.m. to 3:00p.m. unless otherwise posted. Students can explore the print collection, as well as reserve materials from area libraries. The LMC also provides access to a number of scholarly databases for students and faculty to use. Students may check out print materials for a two-week term, and renew materials twice. Lost or damaged materials will be billed at the replacement cost. The behavior expectations in the LMC are consistent with those required in the classroom; see the Code of Conduct for information regarding discipline procedures.
Class elections will take place at the end of the school year for the following year. A nominee for class office and Student Council office must file nomination papers and permission slips before the student’s name will be placed on the ballot. After each election, the names of successful candidates will be announced over the PA system.
Class officers direct the planning and coordination of class activities and may elect to serve as members of the Student Council. Representatives assist in arranging class activities and collecting dues. The faculty advisor must approve all class activities in advance. Only the faculty advisor and the school administrators have the authority to enter into agreements, financial or otherwise, in the name of the class. Class officers who enter into such agreements assume personal financial responsibility for their actions and are subject to removal from office by the principal. Class record books for the secretary and treasurer are given to the respective class officers in the freshman year. These books are kept for the duration of the four years as the class advances from grade to grade. Class record books are subject to approval by class advisors at any time during the school year and must be surrendered through the class advisors to the office in June of each year. Class dues must be paid in order for a student to be eligible for the following: sophomore semi-formal, junior prom, senior yearbook, senior reception, participation in the class trip, and graduation. Dues are paid as follows to the class treasurer ($80.00 total): Freshmen $20.00 / Sophomores $20.00 / Juniors $20.00 / Seniors $20.00
The School Council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents/guardians, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 59C. Student representatives are nominated or can nominate themselves to serve on the council. Up to three students may serve on the School Council and student representatives are nominated, or may nominate themselves, to serve on the council.
The Student Council has a highly active and functional role. Its purpose is not to govern the students, but to serve as a liaison between the student body and the administration. Additionally, the Council seeks to foster and strengthen school spirit and pride. The Executive Board of the Student Council will supervise all elections. Class and Student Council elections are held in the spring prior to the year the officers are to serve. Nomination papers for both elections will be taken out on the Tuesday previous to the week of elections and filed in the office the Friday of the same week. Students who wish to run for any elected office must meet all eligibility requirements before they may take out nomination papers. These nomination papers must contain the signatures of twenty-five students and a signed parental/guardian permission letter. A period is set aside for each class to allow Council candidates to make campaign presentations. Voting for class officers and representatives will take place during all lunches on the day following the campaign speeches.
Membership in the National Honor Society is an honor and not guaranteed. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors meeting the Scholarship qualification with cumulative GPAs of 3.5 out of an unweighted 4.0 are invited to apply. Eligible students are invited to an assembly after Term 2 grades become available and at that time will receive an application with a two-week deadline to complete. However, academic excellence is not the sole criteria for member selection. Candidates must demonstrate Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service for admission to the National Honor Society. Only completed applications are eligible for review by the five-member Faculty Council. All faculty and staff are invited to make recommendations on students submitting completed applications. With that input in hand, the NHS Faculty Council reviews completed applications and makes the final selection of new members from eligible candidates. Those selected become official members at the new-member Induction Ceremony, generally held in April to which families and friends are invited. Students who qualify will be notified of their eligibility and selection in writing by the NHS Advisor during the second semester of the year in which they apply. (Please note that the NHS advisor does not participate in the member selection vote of the Faculty Counsel.) Once inducted, students are expected to maintain the standards, as set forth in the Bylaw of the Joseph W. Daily chapter of the National Honor Society at RHS that is governed by the national organization.
Randolph High School exists primarily to provide students with formal classroom training. Each student enrolled must conduct himself/herself in a way that promotes the achievement of this goal. The Code of Conduct helps guarantee that every student is given an opportunity to learn in a positive and supportive environment and that students and staff are able to work together in harmonious ways. It establishes every individual’s responsibility to respect the rights of others. Finally, it identifies the consequences for misconduct, ensuring that students know them in advance of their actions. The Code of Conduct applies to every student enrolled in Randolph High School. It is always in effect when students are in attendance at school and at school sponsored events, whether on or off campus, or on a school bus. In some instances, the Code of Conduct applies to student behavior away from the school and outside of school sponsored events. For example: Offences covered by Mass General Law Chapter 71, Section 37H and the MIAA Chemical Health Rule.
Consequences are identified in each section of the Code of Conduct. The following constitute the most common consequences for student violations of the Code of Conduct:- Teacher-student conference
- Teacher-student-parent conference*
- Teacher assigned detention
- Office detention
- Administrative detention
- In-school suspension*
- Out-of-school suspension of up to ten school days *
- Out-of-school suspension of more than ten school days *
- Expulsion *
* Parent notification
The administrator may make exceptions to these, either in favor of a lesser or a more severe consequence, depending upon the circumstances of a specific incident. A student who repeatedly violates the Code of Student Conduct may lose the privilege of attending after-school activities and special events, such as but not limited to athletic events, dances, and prom.Administration may, after meeting with the student and notification to the parent/guardian, establish a specific set of consequences for the future violations to replace those identified in the Code of Student Conduct. For information and processes related to expulsion, MGL 37 and 37H1/2, suspensions, appeals, and emergency removals, please refer to the RPS Code of Conduct.
One of the purposes of Randolph High School is to create a safe, supportive learning community. Appropriate dress reflects positively on the school community, and students will be prohibited from wearing any clothing that compromises health, safety, or cleanliness, or that causes a distraction to the educational mission of the school. All students must adhere to the dress code standards outlined in the district’s Code of Conduct. The school administration reserves the right to determine whether students’ dress is within the standards of acceptability. Students not dressing in accordance with this policy shall be instructed to correct the violation.
Randolph High School recognizes the use of personal electronic devices (such as, but not limited to: iPods, iPads, laptops, cell phones, etc.) as part of students’ daily lives and as part of their education. We also recognize that there can be educational benefits inherent in these devices if the devices are properly monitored and supervised by an educational professional. Because of this, electronic device usage in the classroom is left up to the teacher’s discretion. Unless the teacher has given explicit permission for a student(s) to use a phone or other electronic device, students should turn off power or silence their device(s) and place their electronic device in his/her locker or book bag, or in an area of the classroom designated by the teacher (“away and out of sight”). In addition, students are permitted to use personal electronic devices for texting before and after school, in the cafeteria, and in hallways in-between classes. No phone calls or FaceTime calls are allowed. Violation of this policy will result in consequences based on the Code of Conduct. Repeated violations of this policy will result in confiscation of the phone or electronic device by administration. The first and second time it is confiscated, the device will be returned to the student at the end of the day. All subsequent confiscations will require parents/guardians to come to school to retrieve the device.RHS is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items, including personal electronic devices. Note: it is a felony to record any individual without their consent.
Tier I: Minor Behaviors
Classroom Level
DEFINITION: Behaviors that…
- Do not require administrator involvement
- Do not appear chronic (less than 3-5X)
- Unprepared for Class
- Repeatedly Out of Seat
- Physical disruption: excessive noise, destroying materials, touching others,
horseplay, use of electronic devices without permission - Verbal Disruption: talking out, yelling, noises, speaking loudly
- Minor Verbal Aggression: taunting, teasing, name calling
- Insubordination: doing opposite of what is asked, refusal to follow direction
- Tardy: Entering the class late without a pass.
Next Steps for Teachers/Staff:
- Inform Student of Issue
- Student Conference
- Implement Classroom Strategies
- Contact Parent/Guardian
- Assign Teacher Detention, as needed
Tier II: Major Behaviors
Office Level
DEFINITION: Behaviors that…
- Require administrator involvement
- Chronic and excessive level I behaviors
- Chronic and Excessive Level I Behaviors
- Overt Insubordination: refusal to follow an adult’s direction after
Level I discipline procedure has been implemented. - Dishonesty: cheating, lying, omitting fact/details, plagiarism
- Overt Verbal Aggression: profanity, obscene gestures/pictures, threats
- Physical Aggression that does not result in physical harm
- Use of or Possession of Tobacco
- Class or Lunch Cut
Next Steps for Teachers/Staff/Administration:
- Inform Student of Issue
- Contact Parent/Guardian
- Enter Discipline Referral
- CORE Referral, as needed
- Send Student to Office, as needed
Tier III: Severe Behaviors
Office Level
DEFINITION: Behaviors that…
- Require immediate administrator involvement
- Violate school district policies or state policies or laws
- Chronic level II behaviors
- Chronic and Excessive Level II Behaviors
- Overt Physical Aggression: destroying school property,
fighting, assault of student and/or staff - Possession of Banned Paraphernalia: weapons, fireworks,
alcoholic beverages, unprescribed/ illegal drugs - Illegal or Unauthorized Entry to School Facilities
- Theft: personal items, school property, identities
- Inappropriate Use of Technology
- Inappropriate Behavior: Hazing, Bullying, Extortion, Inciting Panic
Next Steps for Teacher/Staff/Administration:
- Inform Student of Issue
- Contact Parent/Guardian
- Enter Discipline Referral
- CORE Referral, as needed
- Removal of Student from class or school population
Progressive Discipline
Potential Consequences
Tier 1:
- Student Conference
- Teacher Detention (15-20 Minutes)
- Contact Parent/Guardian
- Documented Verbal Warning
Tier 2:
- Documented Verbal Warning
- Office Detention (1 Hour)
- Admin Office Detention (2 Hours)
- Parent/Guardian Conference
- Behavioral Contract
- No Contact Contract
- ISS/OSS- up to ten days
- SRO Notified, as needed
Tier 3:
- Admin OD
- ISS/OSS- up to ten or more days
- Contact Parent Guardian
- Behavioral Contract
- SRO Notified, as needed
- Parent/Guardian conference held before child returns to school